We are Scott & Kristine, husband and wife alternative wedding photographers behind Blue Elephant Photography. We are based in Oklahoma with our furry boy Fuji. We’re big fans of love, travel, and adventures which takes us to Colorado, New Mexico, Arkansas, Texas, Washington and across the world. We are passionate about documenting genuine and uninhibited love between two people because telling their story matters.
Robert & Hannah are a gorgeous couple and I love every single one of their engagement photos. But I’ll be honest, it was a bit too warm during their engagement session. We thought it would be nice to get away from the heat in Oklahoma and head for the forest. I’m not sure why we thought Arkansas would be much better lol. It was hot…like 100°F hot! We all new it, but they never let it show. They are always cool and calm. Life can be busy and they just enjoyed having the time to spend together. If you follow us, you might notice that we love getting out and doing some exploring. Rob proposed to Hannah in Versailles, France on a trip to Europe. So, they obviously love a little exploring too. :) So off we trekked into Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs, Arkansas. It not your typical garden. It feels more like a forest with paths that are constantly going off in either direction. It has bridges, hidden waterfalls, a japanese garden, and friendly peacocks. They even stopped to feed the fish in the massive koi pond, and then we found the biggest treehouse I’ve ever seen! The gardens weren’t busy and we pretty much felt like we had the place to ourselves with a treehouse to call home. It may have been hot out but we were enjoying our time with them so much that we barely made it out in time with the gates closing behind us. Although, if we’re to find ourselves locked in a tangled woodland, I definitely want it to be with these two. We had so much fun and Rob & Hannah are so sweet together. Their joy is absolutely contagious! We can’t wait for their wedding at the Philbrook Museum in October!

Congrats Rob and Hannah! It may have been hot but we enjoyed every second with you both and love exploring with you. Friends, thank you all for stopping by and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram! ♥